Velvet Prisons premiered at the Humanity Explored Film Festival. It also screened at the Portobello Film Festival in London, the 9th Science Film Festival in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the Columbia Gorge Film Festival, the Davis International Film Festival and Venice Film Week, among other venues. The documentary is distributed worldwide by Adler & Associates Entertainment, Inc. and is available on Amazon VOD.
Production Team
Kurt Jacobsen, co-director and co-producer, has written about cinema for periodicals ranging from the Chicago Reader to New Politics to London's Guardian, published 10 books, and worked on documentaries in the US and Europe, including the award-winning American Road, The Milagro Man: The Multicultural Life and Literary Times of John Nichols and The forthcoming Charlotte Bach Project (Malachite Productions UK)
Warren Leming, co-director and co-producer, is a former member of the Second City Touring Company, musical director and actor with Paul Sills' Story Theater, founder of the band Wilderness Road (Columbia and Warner Brothers labels), a theater and cabaret director, the author of several books, and the maker of many documentaries, including American Road and Nelson Algren; The End is Nothing, The Road is All.
Hugh Iglarsh, co-producer, is a Chicago-based writer and editor whose pieces appear in Counterpunch, New City and other outlets.
Jan Muller, editor, also edited American Road. Of late he has entered the world of web outreach as a YouTube administrator creating and posting video for many clients.
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